Friday, December 18, 2009

Full-Day Kindergarten Create Snowman Collage

The full-day kindergarten students spent the last couple weeks creating snowmen by gluing a variety of materials together. We started our lesson by reading Lois Ehlert's book Snowballs. After reading it, we discussed some of the things she used to make up her snow people. Using paper, sticks, pom poms, sequence, foam shapes, etc., the students made some very interesting artworks!

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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Kiwanis Club Christmas Contest Winners

The Kiwanis Club of Danville put on their Christmas Art Contest again this year. We had three winners from Danville North Elementary. Hallie, Madison, and Elizabeth created artworks that were full of Christmas spirit. Congratulations to the the artists!!! Thanks to every student who entered the contest. There were many great ideas and everyone worked hard. Keep up the hard work!

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

1st Graders Warm Up

In 1st grade we are working on creating patterns. Since it is winter time a great thing that we see with a pattern is a mitten! After reading the book The Mitten by Jan Brett, we started to create our mittens with pattern. Next week we will finish up our mittens by stapling them together and wearing them!!! Check back next week for more mitten details.

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2nd Graders Give Back

All 2nd graders students are giving back this Christmas!!! We are currently making Winter/Christmas cards for patients in local Danville nursing homes. Each student will be making two cards; one for themselves and one for the nursing home. To help make two cards quickly we are using printmaking as the way to make our art. Printmaking let's us make a couple of the same prints. Students will be experimenting with different colors of paper and ink. Students will also be learning so new vocabulary words like brayer, barren, and ink. If these words are new to you here is some help: brayer- a roller used to put ink onto the styrofoam plate, barren - a handheld tool that helps the artist rub the paper onto the plate so that all the ink is transferred, ink - it is kind of like paint but is stickier. I hope you have a great winter season and fantastic holidays.

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Thursday, December 3, 2009

December's Artists of the Month

These six students created some awesome artworks. The first grade students created monochromatic self-portraits using blue, after studying Pablo Picasso's Blue Period. The second grade students and one kindergarten artist made "wild things" based off of Maurice Sendak's book Where the Wild Things Are. They used different kinds of texture in their artworks. Another student made a wire sculpture of a monster after studying the works of Alexander Calder! Congratulations to all the artists of the month!!!

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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

2nd Graders Give Back

The 2nd grade students are starting to create Winter/Holiday cards for patients in local nursing homes. We are creating our cards using a printmaking technique. Each student will be making two cards, one for the nursing home and another for themselves to give away. We started the project by coming up with four different ideas. The students tried to keep the drawings big and simple because the type of printmaking we are doing needs those two things. After the sketches are finished, we started drawing on a styrofoam plate and then carving into the plate. Next week we will begin printing the plates. The ideas and sketches are looking very creative. Here are a couple samples!