Tuesday, April 13, 2010

2nd Graders start Face Pots

In 2nd grade we started a new project this week. We started making face pots by coming up with some drawings of different faces. I also showed them a demonstration about how to make a face pot out of clay. Next week we'll be using clay to create our face pots. This will be very exciting!!!
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Monday, April 5, 2010

1st Graders learn about John James Audubon

Spring is here and so are the birds! You may have heard a bird or two singing out your window in the morning. An artist became very famous because of his birds is John James Audubon. He loved nature and spent a lot of time outside studying different kinds of birds. He learned how to draw realistic birds. Drawing some realistic means to make things in your drawing look real! We will be working hard over the next couple weeks to draw realistically. After we finish our drawing, we will be using chalk pastel. Make sure you don't wear your best clothes on art day because chalk pastel is hard to get out of clothes!!!

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2nd Graders are Finishing Up

In 2nd grade this week, we will be finishing up our pictures based on Marc Chagall and our dinosaurs based on Jim Gary. If they get both of those done, they get time for free art, which is a favorite for most students!

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