Monday, October 25, 2010

Week 12

1st Grade - Boo!  Watch out for those first graders they might just scare you.  After studying how Pablo Picasso liked African masks, we made our own crazy mask.  Using colored construction paper, we drew and cut eyes along with creating a shape for our mask.  After getting the basic mask done, we flipped it over and started creating our designs.

2nd Grade - Groovy Gradation!  All second graders are studying Peter Max and how he used gradation.  Gradation means to gradually move from one color to another.  It looks very smooth through blending.  We connected gradation with what is happening with the leaves outside.  After looking at a couple pieces of Peter Max's artwork, we started creating our own leaves.  Some students drew realistic leaves, while others made up their own creative leaves.  Next week we will be painting our leaves with a new watercolor technique!

3rd and 4th Grades - After working on our masks for the last month, we have finished them!!!  This week I will be hanging up several artworks from each class for the "Scare Away Drugs" contest.  During art class this week, we will have an 'Artist' day.  This means the students can choose what kind of artwork they want to make and how they will make it.  This is very rewarding after such a long project like mask making!

Week 11

Have a safe and enjoyable fall break!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Week 10

1st Grade - All first graders are finishing their Jasper Johns painting this week.  We have been practicing painting with stencils.  The students first picked out a colored paper and a stencil and went to it.   Some are writing their names and others are just using different colors to create a "mess." (as one student called it)

2nd Grade - All second graders will have an 'artist' week.  After finishing their Chuck Close painting, many are learning about tempera paints and how to use them.  This "artist" week students will be able to practice their skills more with a project of their own. 

3rd and 4th Grade -  All of South has been working on their Red Ribbon Week "Scare Away Drugs" masks.  This week we are finishing up coloring our paper plates and we'll start decorating the mask with yarn, beads, etc.  If you have any of these things at home make sure to bring them in!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Week 9

1st - All first graders are studying the artist Jasper Johns.  Jasper Johns was a painter who used lots of letters and numbers in his artwork.  This week we are exploring art through using stencils.  Using tempera paint, we place a stencil on our paper and begin to create.  Some students are creating their names, other students are using numbers, and a few are making the whole alphabet!

2nd - In second grade we are finishing up our project where we studied Chuck Close.  Last week we learned that Chuck Close created a portrait by using his fingerprints.  We started painting with our fingerprints.  The students had a blast!

3rd  and 4th - All of South Elementary is working on their Red Ribbon Week masks.   Last week we started designing our masks.  This week we are starting to put them together.  Most students got their mask colored with marker, crayon, or colored pencil.  Next week students will be adding decorations to their mask.   If you have any decorations that your child could use please send it with them!