Tuesday, May 3, 2011

This Week in Art

4th - All fourth graders are starting to glaze their mugs.  Glaze is like paint except the it is liquid clay with colored chemicals in it.  The students are learning all about glazes and how to use them.  We will be finishing glazing next week and will "fire" them in the kiln after that.

3rd - All third graders are finishing up their origami candy cup this week.  After a couple finishing folds, we are coloring them with markers.  With many holidays like National Teacher Day and Mother's Day coming up, they make a perfect present!

2nd - All second graders are painting their 'face' pots this week.  We are using bright tempera paints to add color to these cool sculptures!  The students have had a lot of fun with this project.  Clay is always a good time!

1st - Last week first graders worked on drawing with glue.  This week we are using chalk pastel again to make these pictures very colorful.  While chalk pastel is messy, it is a ton of fun.


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