Thursday, April 7, 2011

Back from Spring Break

3rd and 4th grade have been studying the artist Salvador Dali and Surrealism.  Surrealism was an art form where artists would use their dreams to help them in their artwork.  Many times there would be real things like people, clocks, or bubbles, but they would do impossible tasks like melt, explode, or mutate.  We looked at several Salvador Dali paintings and watched a Disney cartoon called Destino that he helped create.  Here are several examples of almost complete artworks...

2nd graders are starting their clay project for the year.  This is a very exciting time!  We are studying face pots which are self-explanatory, pots with faces made on them.  This week I showed them how to make a face pot and they came up with ideas by drawing.  Next week will be our big clay week!

1st graders are studying the artist John James Audubon.  JJ Audubon loved birds and with spring warming up we're hearing more and more birds singing their songs.  Mr. Audubon created hundreds, maybe thousands, of bird artworks.  He took his best works and made a book out of them called the 'Birds of America.'  It is still one of the most extensive books of bird drawings out there!

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