Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Week 3

We are well into our third week of school and our art projects are coming along. 

In first grade we are finishing up our Henri Matisse oceans.  Mr. Matisse loved to cut out shapes and so we have been cutting out different shapes for sea creatures and gluing them onto our ocean paper.  I will have some examples of student work up soon!

In second grade we are continuing work on our Paul Klee oceans.  Paul Klee (pronounced Clay) was a master of color, shape, and line.  This week we finished drawing our oceans with crayon and making designs.   Next week we will be watercoloring painting!

In third grade we are studying Michelangelo (pronounced meek-uh-lan-gello).  We looked at his famous work of art, the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.  Michelangelo loved drawing the human body so we are working on our drawing skills and trying to make people look more realistic.  For a creative twist, we became little Michelangelo by taping our paper to the bottom of the desk and then sketching on our backs.  The students had great fun with that part, along with a couple sore necks!

In fourth grade we have been learning about Pablo Picasso.  We learned that he did lots of abstract artwork.  Abstract artists usually change the color, shape, size, and spacing of things in their picture.  This week we were coloring different faces.  Next week we will cut out and create a brand new face.   It will be quite the crazy experiment.

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