Thursday, September 16, 2010

Week 6

1st and 2nd graders are studying the artist Keith Haring.  We remember his name by rubbing our hair and then acting like we ring a bell; hair-ring.  Keith Haring was a famous artist who made lots of public art.  We talked about public art and how lots of people see it.  Mr. Haring made his art down in the New York City subway stations.  After studying Keith Haring, 2nd graders went outside to make contour drawings of each other's bodies.  We did this at a place around the school where lots of people go, so we made public art.  1st graders each picked a colored piece of large construction paper and drew people on them.  After drawing the bodies we cut them out.  Next week we will be using oil pastel to create designs on our cutout body.  Down below is a picture of Keith Haring creating his artwork in a New York City subway station.

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