Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Week 7

1st Grade - We finished up our Keith Haring characters by adding oil pastel and then displayed them all over the school.  We learned that when your art is out where everyone can see it, it is called public art.  The first graders had a lot of fun with this one.

2nd Grade - We started learning about an artist names Chuck Close.  Chuck Close loves painting and drawing portrait.  A portrait is a picture of a person.  We started drawing pictures of ourselves while looking in a mirror.  This is a self-portrait.  Next week we'll start painting them!

3rd and 4th Grades - After having several "Apprentice"  weeks of studying Pablo Picasso and T.C. Steele, all of my classes at South started their first "Artist" week which means they choose what they want to make and how they will create it.  This is a great time for everyone.  Many of my students are bursting at the seams by this time to do something of their own.  It is very exciting for me to watch them go.  This week we had a drawing center and watercolor painting center open.  Many students did both of these!

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