Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Week 16

Since I won't see about half my classes this week, we are playing catch up and having some free time. 


Friday, November 19, 2010

Week 15

1st - This week we are glazing our pinch pots!  Glazing means using a special paint that turns to glass when it gets really hot.  After we glaze our pots, I will put them back into the kiln to be 'fired.' Once they come out they will be bright colors with a beautiful shine.

2nd - After finishing up our Peter Max project, we are having an "artist" week.  Their choices this week will be tempera and watercolor painting, oil pastel, drawing, coloring, and collage. 

3rd - While our coil pots are drying, I used this week to show third graders another way of making a pot.  Using a potter's wheel, I created a couple different pieces for the students.  After I created for a bit, I let each student get on the wheel and feel the clay and what it's like to be a potter!

4th - We are finishing up our clay maracas this week by adding all of our extra pieces to make our maracas unique.  The students are coming up with great ideas.  Cats, dogs, aliens, robots, people, and just clever designs have all been created.  It is very exciting to see all of our pieces turn out.  These artworks will be fired in the kiln after Thanksgiving and we'll paint them during that first week of December.

Week 14

1st - All first graders had an "Artist" week.  This is where they decide what they want to make and how they will make it.  Students picked from watercolor and tempera painting, oil pastel, drawing, and collage.  This is always a very good time for the students. 

2nd - Second grade finished up their Peter Max project where we worked with gradation and creating leaves.  Gradation is where one color moves very slowly into another color.  It looks pretty groovy!  To finish up our project we stapled, cut, and designed the other side of our leaf.  All the leaves will be hanging up in the school entry way for Grandparents Day.

3rd - This week all third graders made their coil pots.  After learning about Lucy Lewis, a Native American potter who used the coil method, we started our own coil pots.  Clay is always a great time!

4th - All fourth graders are working on making clay maracas.  This week we created two pinch pots and stuck them together will little clay pebbles inside for rattles.  Next week we will be adding all the extra pieces on to make our maracas truly unique!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Week 13

1st Grade - All first graders are studying the clay artist Lucy Lewis.  She was a Native American potter who lived in New Mexico.  She made coil pots with images of deer and zig zag designs.  We are making our own pots called pinch pots.  They are made by pinching the clay into a bowl shape.  After we pinched our pots we created designs on the outside.  Here are some student examples of the work!

2nd Grade - All second graders are still working on their Peter Max project.  Last week, we started creating leaves.  This week we are painting wet-on-wet.  This means that we get our paper wet and then use watercolors to paint on it.  Doing this helps things blend together.  When one color blends into another color this is called gradation.  The students did a great job!

3rd Grade - All third graders are working on coil pots.  Students studied artist Lucy Lewis and her coil pots.  We looked at several pots with different designs on it.   Lucy was a Native American potter.  This week students watched a demonstration and practiced building coils.  Next week, we'll start building our pots!

4th Grade - Fourth grade is working on a clay maraca.  Archaeologists have found that ancient Mayan people made clay maracas.  These students watched a demonstration and started some sketches of different ideas that they had. 

Monday, November 1, 2010

Kiwanis Christmas Artwork Contest

Kiwanis Club of Danville

The Kiwanis Club of Danville is sponsoring its fourth annual Christmas artwork design contest. This art contest is open to any student that lives in the Danville Community School Corporation school district, but shall exclude Kiwanis family members. Four pieces of artwork will be selected from each one of the following age categories:
(1)  Kindergarten thru Second grade
(2)  Third and Fourth Grade
(3)  Middle School—Fifth thru Eighth
(4)  High School
Prizes/ Gift Certificates will be awarded accordingly, as well as recognition in the newspaper with the student’s picture and picture of the artwork. The artwork will also be displayed in the Art Gallery on the Square in Danville for the month of December.

Artwork should be designed by the child with no direct assistance of an adult. Drawings can be in pencil, crayon, paint (water or oil), mixed media. All work must be original and can not include trademark names of a product.
1)     Student must live in the Danville Community School District
2)     Work must be original
3)     Work must have a Christmas related theme
4)     Work must be flat (not 3 dimensional)
5)     Drawings can be in pencil, crayon, paint (water or oil), mixed media
6)     Work can be no larger than 8 ½ x11 in. white paper
7)     Work becomes the property of Kiwanis Club of Danville
8)     Prizes/ Gift Certificates will be awarded in each category.
9)     Awards will be announced before December 17, 2010.
10)  Deadline for entries will be December 3, 2010
Please send entries to: (Do not fold or bend)
You may also return to your art teacher OR Danville Public Library
Kiwanis Club of Danville
P.O. Box 213
Danville, In. 46122

Please send entries to: (Do not fold or bend)
Kiwanis Club of Danville
P.O. Box 213
Danville, In. 46122
You may also return to your art teacher OR Danville Public Library
Student Information:
Student Name: _____________________________________Age: ___
Address: ______________________________City_______________State_____Zip________
School: _________________________________
Art Teacher: ___________________________
Parental Consent
I give permission for my child to submit the attached artwork and for Kiwanis Club of Danville to use my child's name and/or school in this contest and other media material which would identify him/her as a student.
Neither my child nor I will receive any monetary benefit from this contest. My child may receive modest rewards if selected. The artwork is original and is not copyrighted. The artwork becomes the property of the Kiwanis Club of Danville upon submission. I agree to all the rules as stated in this entry form and the contest rules.  All entries must be received by December 3, 2010
1)    Student must live in the Danville Community School District
2)    Work must be original
3)    Work must have a Christmas related theme
4)    Work must be flat (not 3 dimensional)
5)    Drawings can be in pencil, crayon, paint (water or oil), mixed media
6)    Work can be no larger than 8 ½ x11 in. white paper
7)    Work becomes the property of Kiwanis Club of Danville
8)    Prizes/ Gift Certificates will be awarded in each category.
9)    Awards will be announced before December 17, 2010.
10)  Deadline for entries will be December 3, 2010. 
Parent Signature: _____________________________________Date:___________________