Friday, November 19, 2010

Week 14

1st - All first graders had an "Artist" week.  This is where they decide what they want to make and how they will make it.  Students picked from watercolor and tempera painting, oil pastel, drawing, and collage.  This is always a very good time for the students. 

2nd - Second grade finished up their Peter Max project where we worked with gradation and creating leaves.  Gradation is where one color moves very slowly into another color.  It looks pretty groovy!  To finish up our project we stapled, cut, and designed the other side of our leaf.  All the leaves will be hanging up in the school entry way for Grandparents Day.

3rd - This week all third graders made their coil pots.  After learning about Lucy Lewis, a Native American potter who used the coil method, we started our own coil pots.  Clay is always a great time!

4th - All fourth graders are working on making clay maracas.  This week we created two pinch pots and stuck them together will little clay pebbles inside for rattles.  Next week we will be adding all the extra pieces on to make our maracas truly unique!

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