Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Week 13

1st Grade - All first graders are studying the clay artist Lucy Lewis.  She was a Native American potter who lived in New Mexico.  She made coil pots with images of deer and zig zag designs.  We are making our own pots called pinch pots.  They are made by pinching the clay into a bowl shape.  After we pinched our pots we created designs on the outside.  Here are some student examples of the work!

2nd Grade - All second graders are still working on their Peter Max project.  Last week, we started creating leaves.  This week we are painting wet-on-wet.  This means that we get our paper wet and then use watercolors to paint on it.  Doing this helps things blend together.  When one color blends into another color this is called gradation.  The students did a great job!

3rd Grade - All third graders are working on coil pots.  Students studied artist Lucy Lewis and her coil pots.  We looked at several pots with different designs on it.   Lucy was a Native American potter.  This week students watched a demonstration and practiced building coils.  Next week, we'll start building our pots!

4th Grade - Fourth grade is working on a clay maraca.  Archaeologists have found that ancient Mayan people made clay maracas.  These students watched a demonstration and started some sketches of different ideas that they had. 

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