Tuesday, June 22, 2010

More Pictures of Rocky Mountain

This is where I ended up camping for the first two nights of my trip.

This photo goes out to Mrs. Gulley, our librarian and a fellow advocate of coffee drinking. Breakfast just tastes better when you're by a bubbling brook!

A mountain stream up by Andrew's Glacier, the water is so cold and fresh.
It all comes from melting glaciers.

There are lots of pines everywhere in this park. They have very few trees here that we have in Indiana. In this picture I captured a pinecone hanging out on a rock near the river.


  1. Mr. Smith - Thanks for the shout-out on your blog. I am so jealous, I can hardly stand it. It is very hot in Danville today - not too hot to drink coffee, but pretty darn hot. The photos are great. I have only been to CO one time, but seeing these pictures, makes me want to go back. Keep taking and posting pictures. We are all living vicariously through you this summer. Be Safe. Your coffee buddy and librarian, Joan Gulley.

  2. Looks like a great trip so far...can't wait to read about the rest of your adventures! Have you come up with a road trip name yet?

  3. Sounds like you are having a wonderful trip!! Love the pinecone picture.
