Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Still in the car...

Day Two: This is my first time driving clear across the state of Kansas and it may very well be my last. After what seemed like forever, I'm now in Colorado. The landscape is getting a little more beautiful; less flat land and more hills. In a hour, I'll be in Denver and nestled up next to the Rocky mountains. After spending the night in Denver, I'll head to Rocky Mountain National Park on Thursday. This will be my first stop at a park and will get settled into a campground and start painting. Getting very excited!

This is a picture of Geary State Fishing Lake. I camped out here just for the night. Pitching a tent in the dark is no fun, but it was beautiful to wake up to this!

Finally, I crossed the Colorado border. Woohoo!

1 comment:

  1. I understand the torture of driving across Kansas! I remember looking out at the plains and thinking that a herd of buffalo were going to come up over the rise at any moment... no chance of anything that exciting though!
    Hope Day 3 is going well!
